Improve your revenues and reduce your costs
What is contract or outsourced sales?
A mutually beneficial partnership
between yourself and a sales agency where the day to day sales activity on your publications is contracted out to the sales agency party who then takes responsibility for the management and delivery of your sales revenues.
Usually the agreement will include a set up and retainer fee with commission based on revenues achieved although some projects are suitable for a revenue share only agreement.
Why outsource your media selling?
You may well be considering out-sourcing your advertising sales to improve your revenues and reduce your overheads in order to increase profit.
Taking this step gives you greater flexibility as well as reducing both the overheads and the risk associated with traditional in-house sales recruitment and management.
Unlike the traditional employee sales person you don't have to pay us for fancy company cars, the horrendous mobile phone bills, 2 hour lunches, an average 8 days sick per year, high days and holidays, training and development. Neither do you have to have to massage our egos and pander to our emotional needs. We just get on with doing the job and delivering the revenue you need without hassle and, most importantly: we get results, we're not expensive to use and we're very nice people
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